Add Users to a Workspace

Workspace Manager have control over user accounts within the Workspace. Manager can add users across all roles including admins, agents, and developer. Manager can also delete any user accounts and reset their passwords as required.

In addition to Workspace Manager, admins also have the capability to add other users, including admins, agents, and developers, as well as manage account deletions and password resets of the user roles created by this admin.

To add a user to the workspace, do the following:

  • Access the Dialog portal.

Workspace Users

  • From the left menu pane, select Users to access the Users dashboard.
  • On the User Dashboard, click the Add User tab to display the Add User form.

Add New Users

  • Fill in the Email and Name fields with the new user's details.

  • Select the Role for the new user from the dropdown menu.

  • Click on Create Account button to submit the form.

  • Upon successful submission, a popup window will appear, showing the account credentials. Copy these credentials and securely share them with the intended user.

  • The newly created user will now be listed in the users inventory.