Video API v2.3.8 Release Notes

Date of Release: April 6, 2022

Video API version 2.3.8 is released on the following platforms:

  • Web SDK

    The web SDK introduces the following feature:

    • Screen Sharing: The process of starting and stopping screen sharing has been changed. This change has been implemented at the SDK-level without impacting the API methods.

For more information, see Web SDK.

  • Android and iOS SDKs

    The Android and iOS SDK introduce the following features:

    • Screen Sharing: The process of starting and stopping screen sharing has been changed. This change has been implemented at the SDK-level without impacting the API methods.
    • Speaker Volume Control: The volume of remote stream audio can now be controlled using an SDK method. When a value of 0 is passed, the audio is muted. Passing a value of 1 increases the volume to the maximum limit.
    • Speech-to-Text Transcription: The Speech-to-Text transcription capability is extended to Active Talker streams in a video session. User endpoints can subscribe to start receiving the text version of the speech.
    • Privacy Mode:
    • Custom Data in Session: Customer data structures can be set for in-session usage. The data saved in a session is made available to each user joining the session along with the Room object. This enables you to create different types of features in applications that need custom data support in an ongoing call.
    • Local Stream Preview: The video SDKs include a new SDK method to show the preview of local streams.

For more information, see Android SDK and iOS SDK.