Service Administration API Routes

The Service Administration API provides the following methods:

Project Management API

Use this API for the following purposes:

Get Project Listing

This API provides a list of all projects.

  • API Routes:

  • HTTP Request: GET

  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication

  • Role Based Accessibility: All

    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Explanation of Headers

  • Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.
  • Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"search": {
"page": "Number",
"page_length": "Number",
"customer_id": "String",
"search_by": "String",
"search_string": "String",
"order_by": "String",
"order_qualify": "String"
"projects": [
"customer_id": "String",
"customer_name": "String",
"app_id": "String",
"app_key": "String",
"app_name": "String",
"category_id": "String",
"category_name": "String",
"short_desc": "String",
"description": "String",
"services_incl": {
"video": "Boolean",
"sms": "Boolean",
"voice": "Boolean"
"status": "String",
"status_ex": "String",
"created_at": "Date",
"updated_at": "Date",
"suspended_at": "Date"

Explanation of Example (only for important objects and keys)

app_idUnique App ID. Used as username in the API call.
app_keyApp Key. Used as password in the API call.
app_nameTo search CDR for a customer.
category_idID of a category or classification. For more information, see the Data Pool API.
category_nameName of a category.
services_inclObject. Contains the details of all the services included in the project.

Error Codes

1101Invalid page. Number. Range: 1+.
1102Invalid page_num. Number. Range: 1+.
1105Invalid order_qualify. Enumerated Data: asc, desc.

Get Project Information

This API provides information about App-ID of a particular project.

  • API Route:{{$APP_ID}}
  • HTTP Request: GET
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON. Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"project": {
"customer_id": "String",
"customer_name": "String",
"app_id": "String",
"app_key": "String",
"app_name": "String",
"category_id": "String",
"category_name": "String",
"short_desc": "String",
"description": "String",
"services_incl": {
"video": "Boolean",
"sms": "Boolean",
"voice": "Boolean"
"video": {
"notification_url": "String",
"media_zone": [
"sip": {
"server_url": "String",
"username": "String",
"password": "String",
"sig_servers": [
"media_servers": [
"phone": [
"in": "Boolean",
"out": "Boolean",
"country": "String",
"country_code": "String",
"phone": "String",
"toll": "Boolean"
"recording": {
"files": {
"record_individual": "Boolean",
"record_transcoded": "Boolean",
"meta": "Boolean",
"transcription": "Boolean",
"text_chat": "Boolean",
"delete": "Boolean"
"watermark": {
"enabled": "Boolean",
"img_path": {
"IN": "IN image path",
"DE": "DE image path",
"US": "US image path",
"SG": "SG image path"
"opacity": "Number",
"align": {
"horz": "String",
"vert": "String",
"offset_x": "Number",
"offset_y": "Number"
"recording_delivery": {
"ftp": {
"opted": "Boolean",
"periodicity": "String",
"periodicity_ex": "String",
"protocol": "String",
"encryption": "String",
"host": "String",
"port": "Integer",
"username": "String",
"password": "String",
"path": "String"
"scp": {
"opted": "Boolean",
"periodicity": "String",
"periodicity_ex": "String",
"host": "String",
"port": "Integer",
"username": "String",
"password": "String",
"path": "String"
"sms": {
"incoming": "Boolean",
"outgoing": "Boolean",
"default": {
"sender_name": "String",
"long_code": "String",
"short_code": "String",
"keyword": "String",
"in_webhook": {
"url": "String",
"auth": "Boolean",
"username": "String",
"password": "String"
"delivery_webhook": {
"url": "String",
"auth": "Boolean",
"username": "String",
"password": "String"
"voice": {
"in": "Boolean",
"out": "Boolean",
"sip": {
"server_url": "String",
"username": "String",
"password": "String",
"sig_servers": [
"media_servers": [
"inbound": {
"event_url": "String",
"welcome_text": "String",
"voice_type": "String",
"language": "String",
"auto_record": "Boolean"
"notification_url": "String"
"status": "String",
"status_ex": "String",
"created_at": "Date",
"updated_at": "Date",
"suspended_at": "Date"

Explanation of Response (only for important objects and keys)

app_idUnique App ID. Used as username in the API call.
app_keyApp Key. Used as password in the API call.
app_nameTo search CDR for a customer.
category_idID of a category or classification. For more information, see the Data Pool API.
services_inclObject. Information about all settings of the Video service for the project.
videoObject. Information about all settings of the Video service for the project.
video.notification_urlURL of the webhook notification.
video.media_zoneContains the details of all the media zones that opted for hosting video sessions.
video.sipContains the details of SIP integration with the Video service or the host.
video.phoneDeails of telephone integration with the Video server or phone.
video.recordingObject. Contains the details about the different aspect of recording.
video.recording.filesObject. Contains the details of file types requested for delivery and if the files must be deleted after delivery.
video.recording.watermarkObject. Contains the details about whether to use watermarking during recording.
video.recording.deliveryArray of Objects. Contains the details about the recording delivery method and related access of your server for recording delivery.
smsObject. Contains the details about all the settings of the SMS service for the project.
sms.incomingIf incoming SMS is enabled.
sms.outgoingIf outgoing SMS is enabled.
sms.defaultObject. Contains the details about the settings of the default SMS service.
voiceObject. Contains the details about all the settings of the Voice service for the project.
voice.inIf incoming voice call is enabled.
voice.outIf outgoing voice call is enabled.
voice.notification_urlWebhook URL for notification post.
voice.sipContains the details about SIP integration with the Voice service and SIP host.

Error Codes

1007Invalid App ID.

Add Project

This API is used to add new project for a customer.

  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: POST
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Headers Explanation:

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Eample Request

"customer_id": "String",
"app_name": "String",
"category_id": "String",
"short_desc": "String",
"description": "String"

Explanation of Request

customer_idString. Optional. If provided, the project is created under the specified customer-id.
app_nameString. Required. To search CDR for a customer.
category_idString. Required. ID of a category or classification. For more information, see the Data Pool API.
services_inclObject. Required. Contains the details of all the services included in the project.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"project": {
"app_id": "String",
"app_key": "String",
"app_name": "String"

Explanation of Response:

projectNew project object containing the key information. This information is saved in the database for reference and for usage in the API queries.
app_idUnique ID for the application. Used as username for http authentication in the API call.
app_keyApp Key. Used as password for http authentication in the API call.

Error Codes

1008Invalid Category ID.
1009service_incl not given. At least one service must be included.

Edit Project

This API updates the project information. All keys in the JSON payload are optional. Use only the key that you want to edit.

  • API Route:{{$APP_ID}}
  • HTTP Request: POST
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Request

"app_name": "String",
"category_id": "String",
"short_desc": "String",
"description": "String",
"status": "String"

Explanation of Request

app_nameString. Required. To search CDR for a customer.
category_idString. Required. ID of a category or classification. For more information, see the Data Pool API.
services_inclObject. Required. Contains the details of all the services included in the project.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"msg": "Project $app_name has been updated.",
"user": {
"app_id": "String",
"app_name": "Sting"

Explanation of Response

projectNew project object containing the key information. This information is saved in the database for reference and for usage in the API queries.
app_idUnique ID for App. Used as username for http authentication in the API call.
app_keyUsed as password for http authentication in the API call.

Error Codes

1007Invalid App ID.

Reset API Access Key

This API is used to reset API Access Key for a Project.

  • API Route:{{$APP_ID}}/reset_key
  • HTTP Request: POST
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Headers Explanation:

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"msg": "API Access Key for Project $app_name has been reset",
"project": {
"app_id": "String",
"app_key": "String",
"app_name": "Sting"

Explanation of Response

app_keyApp Key. Used as password for http authentication in the API call.

Error Codes

1007Invalid App ID.

Configure Video in Project

This API configures the Video service in the project. All keys in the JSON payload are optional. Use only the key that you want to edit.

  • API Route:{{$APP_ID}}/video
  • HTTP Request: PATCH
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Headers Explanation:

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Request

"notification_url": "String",
"sip": {
"server_url": "String",
"username": "String",
"password": "String",
"sig_servers": [
"media_servers": [
"phone": [
"in": "Boolean",
"out": "Boolean",
"country": "String",
"country_code": "String",
"phone": "string"
"encryption": {
"encryption_key": "String"
"recording": {
"files": {
"record_individual": "Boolean",
"record_transcoded": "Boolean",
"meta": "Boolean",
"transcription": "Boolean",
"text_chat": "Boolean",
"delete": "Boolean"
"watermark": {
"enabled": "Boolean",
"img_path": {
"IN": "IN image path",
"DE": "DE image path",
"US": "US image path",
"SG": "SG image path"
"opacity": "Number",
"align": {
"horz": "String",
"vert": "String",
"offset_x": "Number",
"offset_y": "Number"
"delivery": {
"ftp": {
"opted": "Boolean",
"periodicity": "String",
"periodicity_ex": "String",
"protocol": "String",
"encryption": "String",
"host": "String",
"port": "Integer",
"username": "String",
"password": "String",
"path": "String"
"scp": {
"opted": "Boolean",
"periodicity": "String",
"host": "String",
"port": "Integer",
"username": "String",
"password": "String",
"path": "String"
"s3": {
"opted": "boolean",
"mode": "secret_access_based",
"access_key_id": "String",
"secret_key": " String ",
"path": " String ",
"region": "us-east-1",
"env_auth": "boolean"
"gdrive": {
"opted": "true",
"root_folder_id": "String",
"path": "String",
"access_file": "File-JSON"
"azure": {
"storage_account": "String",
"access_key": "String",
"dest_path": "String"

Explanation of Request

customer_idString. Optional. If provided, the project is created under the specified customer-id.
app_nameString. Required. To search CDR for a customer.
category_idString. Required. ID of a category or classification. For more information, see the Data Pool API.
services_inclObject. Required. Contains the details of all the services included in the project.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"msg": "Project $app_name has been updated with Video service settings.",
"user": {
"app_id": "String",
"app_name": "Sting"

Explanation of Response

app_idUnique ID for App. Used as username for http authentication in the API call.
app_nameName of the application or the project.

Error Codes

1007Invalid App ID.

Configure Voice in Project

This API configures the Voice service in the project. All keys in the JSON payload are optional. Use only the key that you want to edit.

  • API Route:{{$APP_ID}}/voice
  • HTTP Request: PATCH
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Request

"in": "Boolean",
"out": "Boolean",
"sip": {
"server_url": "String",
"username": "String",
"password": "String",
"sig_servers": [
"media_servers": [
"inbound": {
"event_url": "String",
"welcome_text": "String",
"voice_type": "String",
"language": "String",
"auto_record": "Boolean"
"phone": [
"in": "Boolean",
"out": "Boolean",
"country": "String",
"country_code": "String",
"phone": "string"
"notification_url": "String"

Example Response

"result": 1,
"msg": "Project $app_name has been updated with Video Service settings.",
"user": {
"app_id": "String",
"app_name": "Sting"

Explanation of Response

app_idUnique ID for App. Used as username for http authentication in the API call.
app_nameName of the application or the project.

Error Codes

1007Invalid App ID.

Configure SMS in Project

This API configures the SMS service in the project. All keys in the JSON payload are optional. Use only the key that you want to edit.

  • API Route:{{$APP_ID}}/sms
  • HTTP Request: PATCH
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Request

"incoming": "Boolean",
"outgoing": "Boolean",
"default": {
"sender_name": "String",
"long_code": "String",
"short_code": "String",
"keyword": "String",
"in_webhook": {
"url": "String",
"auth": "Boolean",
"username": "String",
"password": "String"
"delivery_webhook": {
"url": "String",
"auth": "Boolean",
"username": "String",
"password": "String"

Example Response

"result": 1,
"msg": "Project $app_name has been updated with SMS service settings.",
"user": {
"app_id": "String",
"app_name": "String"

Explanation of Response

app_idUnique ID for App. Used as username for http authentication in the API call.
app_nameName of the application or the project.

Error Codes

1007Invalid App ID.

Configure Video Embed in Project

This API configures the Video Embed features in the Video service in the project. All keys in the JSON payload are optional. Use only the key that you want to edit.

  • API Route:{{$APP_ID}}/video-embed
  • HTTP Request: PATCH
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (obtains a list of projects owned by any customer)
    • Customer (obtains a list of owned projects)

Headers Explanation:

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Request

"subdomain": "bbbbb",
"embed_template_id": "String",
"access_mode": {
"iframe": {
"enabled": true,
"iframing_hosts": []
"exit_url": "String",
"options": {
"recording": false,
"invite": false,
"breakout_room": true,
"sidebar_call": false,
"poll": false,
"outbound_call": false,
"room_mode_switch": true,
"player_mode_switch": {
"player": false,
"global": false,
"default": "cover"
"grid_mode_switch": {
"gallery": true,
"leader": true,
"default": "leader"
"co_browsing": {
"show": false
"deviceSetting": true,
"lock_room": true,
"fixed_toolbar": false,
"room_name": true,
"screenshare": {
"show": true,
"for_moderator": true,
"for_participants": true,
"moderated": false
"live_streaming": true,
"floor_control": true,
"emoji": true,
"file_sharing": true,
"bg_replace": {
"show": true,
"bg_blur": true
"user_list": {
"to_moderators": {
"show": true,
"moderators": true,
"participants": true
"to_participants": {
"show": true,
"moderators": true,
"participants": true
"to_participants_wb": {
"show": false,
"moderators": false,
"participants": false
"user_count": {
"to_moderators": {
"show": true,
"moderators": true,
"participants": true
"to_participants": {
"show": true,
"moderators": true,
"participants": true
"group_chat": true,
"lobby": {
"show": false,
"wait_timeout": "120"
"pvt_chat": {
"show": true,
"to_moderator": true,
"to_participants": true
"whiteboard": {
"show": true
"toolbar_setup": {
"screenshare": {
"enabled": true,
"kebab": false
"whiteboard": {
"enabled": true,
"kebab": false
"livestream": {
"enabled": true,
"kebab": false
"floorControl": {
"enabled": true,
"kebab": true
"lobby": {
"enabled": false,
"kebab": false
"breakoutRoom": {
"enabled": true,
"kebab": true
"lockRoom": {
"enabled": true,
"kebab": true
"backgroundReplacement": {
"enabled": true,
"kebab": true
"chat": {
"enabled": true,
"kebab": false
"recording": {
"enabled": false,
"kebab": false
"annotation": {
"enabled": false,
"kebab": false
"user_line_info": {
"username": true,
"cam": true,
"mic": true,
"bw": true
"disconnect": {
"show": true,
"exit_url": "",
"target": "_blank",
"bg_color": ""
"toolbar": {
"draggable": true,
"fixed": false
"audio_mute": false,
"video_mute": false,
"mute_all": true,
"clock": true,
"full_screen": true,
"room_size": "50",
"video_grid": "12",
"icon_bg_opacity": "0.2",
"left_pane_color": "#FFF",
"update_settings": "update",
"exit_url": "",
"line_icon_color": "#1E1E1C",
"icon_type": "line",
"solid_icon_color": "",
"background_color": "#3D676F",
"toolbar_color": "#FFFEFF",
"font": {
"room_name_text_size": "14",
"top_bar_text_size": "14",
"chat_text_size": "14",
"family": "Garamond"
"user_exit": {
"moderator": true,
"participant": false,
"track": ""
"record_start": {
"moderator": true,
"participant": false,
"track": ""
"record_stop": {
"moderator": true,
"participant": false,
"track": ""
"session_expiry": {
"moderator": true,
"track": ""
"user_in_lobby": {
"moderator": true,
"track": ""
"chat_in": {
"all": true,
"track": ""
"video_background_color": "#323548"

Example Response

"result": 1,
"msg": "Project $app_name has been updated with Video Embed settings.",
"project": {
"app_id": "String",
"app_name": "String"
"room": {
"room_id": "6246efa1196ea481db234227",
"participant_meeting_url": "",
"host_meeting_url": "",
"participant_iframe_embed": "<iframe \n allow=\"camera; microphone; fullscreen; speaker; display-capture\"\nsrc=\"\">\n</iframe>",
"moderator_iframe_embed": "<iframe \n allow=\"camera; microphone; fullscreen; speaker; display-capture\"\nsrc=\"\" >\n</iframe>"

Error Codes

1007Invalid App ID.
1110Invalid subdomain.
1111The subdomain name is already in use.

Reports API

Use this API for the following purposes:

Get Video CDR

This API provides the Video CDR usage report for all or selected projects.

  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: GET
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (access to any customer projects)
    • Customer (Access to own projects only)

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Response Example:

"result": "1",
"cdr": [
"app_id": "xyzxyzxyz",
"customer_id": "xyzxyzxyz",
"cdr_id": "xyzxyzxyz",
"trans_date": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SS.mmmZ",
"conf_num": "XXX",
"call_num": "XXX",
"call_log_id": "XXX",
"room": {
"room_id": "XXXX",
"connect_dt": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SS.mmmZ",
"disconnect_dt": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SS.mmmZ",
"duration": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"user": {
"ip": "",
"name": "",
"role": "moderator",
"ref": "",
"agent": "okhttp/3.5.0",
"token": "",
"confName": ""
"sigserver": {
"connect_dt": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SS.mmmZ",
"ip": "",
"disconnect_dt": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:II:SS.mmmZ",
"duration": 9999.999,
"hold_duration": 9.999
"usage": {
"subscribed_minutes": 9999.999,
"published_minutes": 9999.999

Response Explanation (Only for important Object and Keys):

cdrArray of Objects. Each Object contains CDR for single User Connection
cdr.app_idTo search CDR for a project
cdr.customer_idTo search CDR for a customer
cdr.call_log_idUnique Log ID helps to retrieve logs for audit
cdr.roomArray of Objects search CDR for a room
cdr.userArray of Objects
cdr.user_ipTo search CDR for an IP
cdr.usageArray of Objects
cdr.usage.subscribed_minutesSubscribed minutes
cdr.usage.published_minutesPublished minutes

Error Codes

1004Invalid Customer ID
1007Invalid App ID
1101Invalid page. Number. Range: 1+
1102Invalid page_num. Number. Range: 1+
1105Invalid order_qualify. Enumerated Data: asc, desc

Get Video Usage Summary

This API is used to get Video Usage Summary Report across of all or selected projects / customers.

  • API Routes
  • HTTP Request: GET
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All
    • Admin (access to any customer projects)
    • Customer (access to own projects only)

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Response: Group by Customer

"result": "1",
"report": [
"customer_id": "String",
"customer_name": "String",
"video_minutes": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"recording": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"size": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"live_recording": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"size": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"transcoding ": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"size": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"live_streaming ": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999

Example Response: Group by Project

"result": "1",
"report": [
"app_id": "String",
"app_name": "String",
"video_minutes": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"recording": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"size": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"live_recording": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"size": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"transcoding ": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"size": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999
"live_streaming ": {
"minutes": 9999.999,
"price": 9999.999

Response Explanation (only for important objects and keys)

reportArray of Objects.
report.app_idTo search for video usage summary for a project.
report.app_nameTo search for video usage summary for a project.
report.recordingObject. Contains the recording information that is queried.
report.live_recordingObject. Contains the live recording information that is queried.
report.transcodingObject. Contains the transcoding information that is queried.
report.live_streamingObject. Contains the live streaming information that is queried.

Error Codes

1101Invalid page. Number. Range: 1+
1102Invalid page_num. Number. Range: 1+

Data Pool API

Use this API for the following purposes:

Get Time Zones

This API provides a list of all time zones.

  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: GET
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All


Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"timezones": [
"timezone_id": "String",
"zone_name": "String",
"zone_abbr": "String",
"time_start": "String",
"gmt_offset": "Number",
"is_dst": "Boolean"

Explanation of Response (only for important objects and keys)

timezonesObject. Array of objects. Each object carries information about a timezone.
timezones.timezone_idString. The ID of a timezone.
timezones.zone_nameString. The name of a timezone.
timezones.zone_abbrString. The abbreviated form of a timezone.
timezones.time_startString. Date and time from which the GST offset is applicable.
timezones.gst_offsetNumber. The GMT offset in minutes.
timezones.is_dstObject. True if daylight saving time is applied.

Note: All date and time details in the response are in the UTC format.

Get Countries

This API provides a list of countries.

  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: GET
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"countries": [
"country_id": "String",
"country_name": "String",
"iso2_code": "String",
"iso3_code": "String",
"isd_code": "String"

Explanation of Response (only for important objects and keys)

countriesArray of Objects. Each object contains information about a country.
countries.country_idString. The ID of a country.
countries.country_nameString. The name of a country.
countries.iso2_codeString. The 2-character ISO code.
countries.iso3_codeString. The 3-character ISO code.
countries.isd_codeString. The ISD code.

Get Project Categories

This API provides a list of categories for project classification.

  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: GET
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"categories": [
"category_id": "String",
"category_name": "String",
"description": "String",

Explanation of Response (only for important objects and keys)

categoriesArray of objects. Each object contains category information.
categories.category_idString. ID of a category.
categories.category_nameString. Name of a category.
categories.descriptionString. Description of a category.

Get Embed Templates

This API provides a list of Video Embed templates.

  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: GET
  • Access Mechanism: HTTP Basic Authentication
  • Role Based Accessibility: All

Explanation of Headers

Content-Type: application/json. Indicates that the request body format is JSON.

Authorization: Contains the token access information for authentication.

Example Response

"result": 1,
"embed_templates": [
"template_id": "String",
"template_name": "String",
"pic": "String",
"description": "String",

Explanation of Response (only for important objects and keys)

embed_templatesArray of objects. Each object contains a video embed template.
embed_templates.template_idString. ID of a template ID.
embed_templates.template_nameString. Name of a template name.
embed_templates.picString. Picture of a template.
embed_templates.descriptionString. Description of a template.