Incoming Messages

When a user sends a message to Business, it's termed as Incoming Message for the business. Such messages are posted to to Webhook at real time with a JSON Payload of predefined format.

Note: Both user-originated message or responses to business-originated messages are received through Webhook.

Standard JSON Format

Whether its user-initiated message or follow-up message from a user, incoming messages with different type of content will have common JSON format as given below:

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "{content type}",
"{content type}": {
/* content type specific information */
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{business phone}"

JSON Explanation

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
messagesArrayIts presented as array of messages. The message information will appear as an object in it.
contactsArrayIts message sender profile. Its presented as array of senders. For incoming message, sender is the user or customer who sent message using WhatsApp App to business
business_phoneStringBusiness Phone Number to which the message is sent by user or customer.

A Single Object of messages Array: Its related to the message information placed in messages array in incoming message payload.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
idStringMessage ID. All Action, reactions will be received on this ID.
fromStringSender Phone Number
timestampStringUnix Timestamp for the message in UTC
typeStringType of content. Enumerated data. e.g. audio, contacts, document, image, location, text, video
$typeStringThis key is named after the type explained above. For example, if type=image, this this object name will be image and it will contain related information. Later in the document, we have different section to explain each of this object content.

A Single Object of contacts Array: Its related to the Sender Profile placed in contacts array in incoming message payload.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
profileObjectIts sender profile information
profile.nameStringSender Name
wa_idStringWhatsApp ID i.e. Sender Phone Number including country code

Type of Incoming Messages

Read the following section to understand different type of incoming messages and related JSON received on Webhook.

Text Message

JSON Payload

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "text",
"text": {
"body": "{text contents}"
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{business phone}"

JSON Explanation: Covers only key/objects related to 'text` Content. For other keys, refer explanation given above.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
typeStringIt comes as text
textObjectThis object appears with type:text. It contains text content information
text.bodyStringText content for the message body

Message with Image

JSON Payload

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "image",
"image": {
"mime_type": "{file mime type}",
"sha256": "{sha256}",
"id": "{media file id}",
"caption": "{image caption",
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{business phone}"

JSON Explanation: Covers only key/objects related to image Content. For other keys, refer explanation given above.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
typeStringIt comes as image
imageObjectThis object appears with type:image. It contains image content information
image.mime_typeStringMime type of image, e.g. image/jpeg
image.sha256StringSHS265 Hash
image.idStringID of the image. Use it to get Image Content through Get Media API
image.captionStringOptional. Caption for the image.

Message with Video

JSON Payload

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "video",
"video": {
"mime_type": "{file mime type}",
"sha256": "{sha256}",
"id": "{media file id}",
"caption": "{video caption}",
"filename": "{name of the file}"
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{business phone}"

JSON Explanation: Covers only key/objects related to video Content. For other keys, refer explanation given above.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
typeStringIt comes as video
videoObjectThis object appears with type:video. It contains image content information
video.mime_typeStringMime type of video, e.g. video/mp4
video.sha256StringSHA265 Hash for Image
video.idStringID of the Video. Use it to get Video Content through Get Media API
video.captionStringOptional. Caption for the Video.
video.filenameStringThe name for the file on the sender’s device.

Message with Audio & Voice

Difference between Audio and Voice Content is related to how the audio content is added into the message by the sender. A sender using WhatsApp can pick a Audio file from File Manager to send as message is called a Audio type of content. Whereas when sender records a voice to send over as a message is called a Voice Message. In either case, at the receiver end (In this case its the business receiving the message) the message always comes in form of a Audio File.

JSON Payload

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "audio",
"audio": {
"mime_type": "{file mime type}",
"sha256": "{sha256}",
"id": "{media file id}",
"voice": "{boolean true/false}"
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{business phone}"

JSON Explanation: Covers only key/objects related to audio or voice Content. For other keys, refer explanation given above.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
typeStringIt comes as audio
audioObjectThis object appears with type:audio. It contains image content information
audio.mime_typeStringMime type of audio, e.g. audio/mp3
audio.sha256StringSHS265 Hash
audio.idStringID of the Audio/Voice file. Use it to get Audio Content through Get Media API
audio.voiceBooleanIt comes as true for Voice message, and comes as false for Audio File message

Message with Document

JSON Payload

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "document",
"document": {
"filename": "{file name with extension}",
"mime_type": "{file mime type}",
"sha256": "{sha256}",
"id": "{file id}"
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{business phone}"

JSON Explanation: Covers only key/objects related to document Content. For other keys, refer explanation given above.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
typeStringIt comes as document
documentObjectThis object appears with type:document. It contains document content information
document.mime_typeStringMime type of image, e.g. image/jpeg
document.filenameStringFile name with extension
document.sha256StringSHS265 Hash
document.idStringID of the Document. Use it to get Document Content through Get Media API

Message with Location

JSON Payload

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "location",
"location": {
"latitude": "{latitude of location}",
"longitude": "{longitude of location}",
"name": "{name of location}",
"address": "{addrees of location}"
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{brand phone}"

JSON Explanation: Covers only key/objects related to location Content. For other keys, refer explanation given above.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
typeStringIt comes as location
locationObjectThis object appears with type:location. It contains location information
location.latitudeStringLatitude for location
location.longitudeStringLongitude for location
location.nameStringName of location
location.addressStringAddress of location

Message with Contact

JSON Payload

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "contacts",
"contacts": [
"addresses": [
"city": "{contact city}",
"country": "{contact country}",
"country_code": "{contact country code}",
"state": "{contact state}",
"street": "{contact street}",
"type": "{home or work}",
"zip": "{contact zip}"
"birthday": "{contact birthday}",
"emails": [
"email": "{contact email}",
"type": "{work or home}"
"name": {
"formatted_name": "{contact formatted name}",
"first_name": "{contact first name}",
"last_name": "{contact last name}",
"middle_name": "{contact middle name}",
"suffix": "{contact suffix}",
"prefix": "{contact prefix}"
"org": {
"company": "{contact org company}",
"department": "{contact org department}",
"title": "{contact org title}"
"phones": [
"phone": "{contact phone}",
"wa_id": "{contact wa id}",
"type": "{home or work}"
"urls": [
"url": "{contact url}",
"type": "{home or work}"
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{brand phone}"

JSON Explanation: Covers only key/objects related to contacts Content. For other keys, refer explanation given above.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
typeStringIt comes as contacts
contactsObjectThis object appears with type:contact. It contains location information
contacts.addressesArrayArray of objects. Each Object is Address
contacts.birthdayStringDate of Birth
contacts.emailsArrayArray of Objects. Each Object is an Email Address
contacts.nameObjectName. It breaks down name into parts defined as keys
contacts.phonesArrayArray of Objects. Each Objec is a Phone Number
contacts.urlsObjectURL of different type/category

Message with Sticker

JSON Payload

"messages": [
"id": "{message id}",
"from": "{sender phone}",
"timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
"type": "sticker",
"sticker": {
"mime_type": "{file mime type}",
"sha256": "{sha256}",
"id": "{media file id}",
"animated": "{boolean}",
"contacts": [
"profile": {
"name": "{sender name}"
"wa_id": "{sender phone}"
"business_phone": "{business phone}"

JSON Explanation: Covers only key/objects related to sticker Content. For other keys, refer explanation given above.

Key / ObjectData TypeDescription
typeStringIt comes as sticker
stickerObjectThis object appears with type:image. It contains sticker information
sticker.mime_typeStringMime type of image, i.e. image/webp
sticker.sha256StringSHS265 Hash for the Sticker
sticker.idStringID of the Sticker. Use it to get Sticker Content through Get Media API
sticker.animatedBooleanIts true if the sticker is animated; false otherwise.


Any Message received at Webhook must be acknowledged by returning HTTP 200 header in the same connection.

Refer the example below written in PHP, to return HTTP 200 header.

header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");