Alarm Low Attention

Analyzes alarm low attention in a video stream. The event listener keeps getting the data in the JSON object as FaceAI keeps analyzing alarm low attention.


To analyze alarm low attention in a video stream.

Method: EnxFaceAI.startAlarmLowAttention(callback)


  • callback: Callback to know that the processing request has been accepted.

Event Listener

  • alarm-low-attention: This event notification is received repeatedly with the Alarm Low Attention Analysis report as a JSON object.

JSON Object: Received with Alarm Low Attention Analysis data.

{ output: {
lowAttention: Boolean

Analysis Data Explanation

  • output: Alarm Low Attention Report
    • lowAttention: Boolean. It is true when the alarm is ON, false otherwise.

Sample Code

// Start Alarm Low Attention
faceAI.startAlarmLowAttention((res) => {
if (res.result === 0) {
window.addEventListener("alarm-low-attention", (evt) => {
console.log(evt.detail, "alarm-low-attention");