Customize the UI

You can customise different parts of the video UI by referring to the following examples:

Set the Background Color of Bottom Bar

You can update the background color of the Bottom Bar by passing the resource id of the color to updateBottomOptionView function.

val setting = EnxSetting.getInstance(this)

Customize Participant List Options

You can add additional action against each participant in the participant list.

val setting = EnxSetting.getInstance(this)
val audioButton = EnxButton(this,EnxSetting.PartcipantList.AUDIO.tag)
val videoButton = EnxButton(this,EnxSetting.PartcipantList.VIDEO.tag)
val chatButton = EnxButton(this,EnxSetting.PartcipantList.CHAT.tag)
val dissButton = EnxButton(this,EnxSetting.PartcipantList.DISCONNECT.tag)
setting.configureParticipantList(listOf<EnxButton>(audioButton,videoButton,chatButton, dissButton))
// Following Enumerated data may also be used to creation action buttons
// in Participant list, viz. AUDIO, VIDEO, CHAT, DISCONNECT

Handle Disconnection and Correction Error

Here you need to create an instance of EnxVideoView class which is the subclass of RelativeLayout. You also need to pass a reference of Activity, a valid Token, and an Observer to receive a callback.

There are 2 callbacks for you to clear instance or for any other UI/UX implementation. You need to override these functions below:

  • For Disconnection: You get notified when the user gets disconnected from the Video Room. The JSON you receive shows the reason for the disconnection.
override fun disconnect(jsonObject: JSONObject?)
  • For Connection Error: You get notified if the user doesn’t get connected to the Video Room. The JSON you receive shows a related error.
override fun connectError(jsonObject: JSONObject?)

Customise Features

Setup conferencing features via APIs

Enhance your video conferencing application by deciding which features are required. The provided APIs allow you to specify and customize essential video conferencing features like audio, video, camera, etc.... controls. EnableX provides powerful APIs to customize the required features in your Android UI kit:

Passing a list of required events as a tag argument


  • fun configureRequiredEventList(requiredEventList: MutableList<EnxRequiredEventsOption>)


  • EnxSetting.getInstance(this).configureRequiredEventList(mutableListOf(EnxSetting.EnxRequiredEventsOption.AUDIO,EnxSetting.EnxRequiredEventsOption.VIDEO))

Specify Required Features

Pass the EnableX customized tag value for each required feature.


Passing a list of required events as a model as argument


  • fun configureRequiredEventsOptionList(enxRequiredList:MutableList<EnxRequiredEventsOptionModel>)


  • EnxSetting.getInstance(this).configureRequiredEventsOptionList(mutableListOf(enxRequiredEventsOptionModelAudio, enxRequiredEventsOptionModelVideo, enxRequiredEventsOptionModelCameraSwitch))

Create configurations for individual features:

Each feature can be further customized in terms of behaviour and appearance.

  • Audio
var enxRequiredEventsOptionModelAudio = EnxRequiredEventsOptionModel(
name: "Audio"
isSelected = false,
optionTag = EnxSetting.EnxRequiredEventsOption.AUDIO,
isSwitch = false,
eventImageNormal = R.drawable.audio_on,
eventImageSelected = R.drawable.audio_off
  • Video
var enxRequiredEventsOptionModelVideo = EnxRequiredEventsOptionModel(
name: "Video"
isSelected = false,
optionTag = EnxSetting.EnxRequiredEventsOption.VIDEO,
isSwitch = false,
eventImageNormal = R.drawable.video_on,
eventImageSelected = R.drawable.video_off
  • Camera Switch
var enxRequiredEventsOptionModelCameraSwitch = EnxRequiredEventsOptionModel(
name: "Camera Switch"
isSelected = false,
optionTag = EnxSetting.EnxRequiredEventsOption.SWITCH_CAMERA,
isSwitch = false,
eventImageNormal = R.drawable.camera_rotaion_off,
eventImageSelected = R.drawable.camera_rotaion_on

Manage Send User Data over Session via APIs

Interactions in video conferencing go beyond just video and audio. With the chat page management features, you can control how users interact via chat, providing a seamless communication experience.

Observer: To manage features such as polling, QnA, or any other customised events, instantiate an Observer. This observer monitors the opening and closing of pages, allowing it to handle subsequent events effectively.

override fun onUserDataReceived(jsonObject: JSONObject)

This function listens for any data sent by users in the session using the APIs sendUserData(), ensuring all participants receive the shared information.

close chat page

Call close chat page API to close the chat page. For more detail, please refer to below code snippet:


Observe Page Slides

fun onPageSlide(pageName: EnxSetting.EnxPageSlideEventName, isShow: Boolean)

Send User Data

Interactive elements like polls or Q&As enhance user engagement. Use these APIs to send custom data, creating a more interactive and engaging environment for your users.

var enxSendUserDataModel = EnxSendUserDataModel
broadcast = false,/ true for all, false for listed receipent
recipients = listOf(clientId), / this is require once broadcase if false
userData = jsonObject/ Data information going to send to other end

Room and User Information APIs

Keeping track of room information and user-specific details is crucial for maintaining a controlled and productive conferencing environment. These APIs give you insight into the room's mode, user roles, and other essential details, ensuring you always have control.

Get participants list

Retrieve the list of individuals currently in the room.


Get current room mode (group/lecture)

Identify if the room is in group mode or lecture mode.

public fun getRoomMode()

Get user role (moderator/participant)

Identify if a user is acting as a moderator or a participant.

public fun getCurrentRole()

Get self-client ID

Fetch the unique ID associated with the client.

public fun getClientID()

Get the room instance

Retrieve the current room's instance.

public fun getRoom()

Check if the room has the Knock feature enabled

Verify if the Knock feature is enabled in the room.

public fun getiSKnockRoom()

Check if the user is waiting

Check if a user is currently waiting for access.

public fun getisUserAwaited()

Check if the user requested the floor

Check if a user has made a request for the floor.

public fun getisUserInReq()