Handle a Local Stream

The React Native SDK provides the following methods to handle a local stream:

Publish a Local Stream

The local stream with audio and video needs to be initiated and published into the Room for other participants to see and hear you. Enx.publish() method is used to publish a local stream to the connected Room. After the local stream is published to the Room, all participants are notified with a callback named streamAdded.

Method: publish()


streamPublishedTo the publisher that the stream has been published.
eventErrorTo the publisher to notify that publishing has failed.
streamAddedTo all participants of a room that a new stream is published in the room.

Sample Code

Enx.publish(); // Publish Stream
// To publisher - Stream has been published
eventError : event=>{
// To publisher - Failed to publish
// To others - New stream is added

Switch Camera, Microphone, and Speaker

A user can switch to alternate media devices to publish the user's streams. EnableX provides APIs to allow switching of media devices on the fly. You can switch between rear and front camera and to other available microphones.

Switch between Rear and Front Camera

To switch between the rear and front camera as a source of published stream, use the Enx.switchCamera() method.

Method: Enx.switchCamera(localStreamId)

Parameter: localStreamId: String. Id of the local stream whose source camera is being switched.

Sample Code


Switch to Alternate Microphone

If a user wants to switch the microphone, which is used to create a published stream, to an alternate microphone, use the Enx.switchMediaDevice() method. This API requires the name of the new device that it needs to switch to. Use the Enx.getDevices() method to fetch the list of microphone names and create a UI for the new device selection.

Method: Enx.switchMediaDevice(micDevice)

Parameter: micDevice: String. Name of the new microphone device.

Callback: notifyDeviceUpdate: JSON Object. When the audio device update is complete. It returns the details of the switched microphone device.

Sample Code

Enx.switchMediaDevice( micDevice ); // To switch to new micDev
// To self: Device updated
notifyDeviceUpdate : event =>{
// event = micDevice name

Mute or Unmute Audio in a Stream

Use the Enx.muteSelfAudio() method to mute and unmute audio from a local stream. When a user mutes or unmutes audio from their Published Stream, all other connected users of the room are notified with remoteStreamAudioMute and remoteStreamAudioUnmute callbacks, respectively. Listen to these events to update related UI elements.

Method: Enx.muteSelfAudio( localStreamId, muteState )


ParameterData TypeDescription
localStreamIdStringLocal Stream Id, which is to be muted or unmuted
muteStateBoolean* set true - to mute audio in a stream
* set false - to unmute audio in a stream


CallbackData TypeDescription
remoteStreamAudioMuteJSONObjectTo all participants notifying the user has muted audio
remoteStreamAudioUnmuteJSONObjectTo all participants notifying the user has unmuted audio
audioEventJSONObjectTo self that audio is either muted or unmuted

Sample Code

Enx.muteSelfAudio(localStreamId, true); //To mute audio
Enx.muteSelfAudio(localStreamId,false); //To unMute audio
// To all participant - user muted audio
// event = { "result":0, "clientId":"XXX", "msg":"user muted audio" }
// To all participant - user unmuted audio
// event = { "result":0, "clientId":"XXX", "msg":"user unmuted audio" }
// To self - Audio muted / unmuted
// event = { "msg":"Audio Off", "result":0 }
// event = { "msg":"Audio On", "result":0 }

Mute or Unmute Video in a Stream

Use the Enx.muteSelfVideo() method to mute and unmute video from a local stream. When a user mutes or unmutes video from the user's published stream, all other connected users of the room are notified with remoteStreamVideoMute and remoteStreamVideoUnMute callbacks, respectively. Listen to these events to update the related UI elements.

Method: Enx.muteSelfVideo( localStreamId, muteState )


ParameterData TypeDescription
localStreamIdStringId of the a local stream which needs to be muted or unmuted.
muteStateBooleanSet it to true to mute video in a stream. Otherwise, set it to false.


CallbackData TypeDescription
remoteStreamVideoMuteJSON ObjectTo all the participants to notify them that a user has muted the video of the user's stream.
remoteStreamVideoUnmuteJSON ObjectTo all the participants to notify them that a user has unmuted the video of the user's stream.
videoEventJSON ObjectSelf notification that video is either muted or unmuted.

Sample Code

Enx.muteSelfVideo(localStreamId, true); //To mute video
Enx.muteSelfVideo(localStreamId,false); //To unMute video
// To all participant - user muted video
// event = { "result":0, "clientId":"XXX", "msg":"user muted video" }
// To all participant - user unmuted video
// event = { "result":0, "clientId":"XXX", "msg":"user unmuted video" }
// To self - Video muted / unmuted
// event = { "msg":"Video Off", "result":0 }
// event = { "msg":"Video On", "result":0 }

Advanced Stream Options

The Enx.setAdvancedOptions(AdvanceOptions) and Enx.setAdvancedOptions(advanceOptions) methods notify the user of various events affecting their streaming process.

Method: setAdvancedOptions(AdvanceOptions)


Parameter Data Type Description
AdvanceOptions Array AdvanceOptions.battery_updates: Boolean. Set it to true to receive battery updates/information.
AdvanceOptions.notify_video_resolution_change: Boolean. Set it to true to receive information about video resolution change.


Callback Data Type Description
advancedOptionsUpdate JSONObject To notify that advanced options on the local stream have been updated.

Sample Code

advanceOptions: {
battery_updates: true,
notify_video_resolution_change: true
// Advance Options are updated
advancedOptionsUpdate: event => {
/* event =
{ "id":"battery_updates",
{ "id":"notify-video-resolution-change",
] */

Method: Enx.getAdvancedOptions(): To get advanced options.

Sample Code

// Advance Options are updated
getAdvancedOptions: event => {
/* event =
{ "id":"battery_updates",
{ "id":"notify-video-resolution-change",
] */