Create a Local Stream

A local stream must be initialized at the client endpoint before publishing it to a room. The initialization process includes specifying media tracks, adding custom attributes, and so on, in the form of an object.

Property: publishStreamProp: The object definition is provided below.

publishStreamProp: {
audio: true, // Whether to add audio to the stream
video: true, // Whether to add video to the stream
data: true, // Whether to add data to the stream
name: "React Native",
minWidth: "number", // Deprecated in React Native SDK v1.6+
minHeight: "number", // Deprecated in React Native SDK v1.6+
maxWidth: "number", // Deprecated in React Native SDK v1.6+
maxHeight: "number", // Deprecated in React Native SDK v1.6+
audioMuted: true, // Audio muted on entry to room
videoMuted: true, // Video muted on entry to room
maxVideoBW: number, // Max Bandwidth - Deprecated in React Native SDK v1.6+
minVideoBW: number // Min Bandwidth - Deprecated in React Native SDK v1.6+